Some additional details: The cartoonist name was Kurt Westergaard, now 79 years old, he drew mohammed with a bomb in his turban. I feel like a lotta religious is pretty messed up when you really go through whatever books they read, but your mental gymnastics must be on point if you can overlook sexually forcing yourself on kids.

If you willingly go along with the ramblings of a kiddy rapist, then you really don't have your head screwed on tight enough.

They opened themselves up to questions and immediately closed up when I was just asking as nicely as I could about the grittier areas of Islam that I'm aware of. I asked a few questions and finally asked about Mohammed "deflowering" a 9 year old (I was much more tactful and pc than this) and I thought they were going to lose their shit right there. I got to talk to two Muslims on a train who were cool up until they started kinda witnessing or whatever they call it. even moreso than any other religious sect in my opinion.

I get that his murderer isn't representative of all Muslims, but they really are some deluded people.